Friday, August 29, 2014

Queen of Blogging Hiatuses

I feel like I am about to get crowned the Queen of Blogging Hiatuses. However, I had some good reasons for my hiatus. Now that I am back, I will tell you one thing. If you haven't seen the home video of a bride called Lisa Wilson on her wedding day in a hospital you better look for it. It is beautiful.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Thoughts on the New School Year

Today is the start of a new school year for a number of students and their instructors. Every one wants to make a difference and succeed. How will you do that? There is no formula on how to have the best school year but here are my 2 cents:
  • Begin with the end in mind
  • Remember that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains
  • Appreciate the bumps in your journey because they will give you the momentum to move forward
  • Find musical jams to take you through the ups and downs
  • Give as much as you can daily to those around you as you never know how much they need it

Making Everyday Count

There are some people who you will never see again in your life. And, it's not because they are not alive but because you and them are separated by distance. All you can do is hope that you made your time with them count. Make everyday count by loving hard.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

All about Forgiveness

There seems to be a lot of discussion on how to forgive others. What about talking about how to ask for forgiveness? Well here's a tip. If someone says you wronged them even if you did not you have to apologize and explain your actions if necessary (if it will make things better).

Say Something...

Sometimes people hear what you are not saying no matter how you say it.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Stuff Children Say

Children say some of the most interesting stuff. Here are some questions I have gotten:

  • Can you get me a  gap between my teeth like you? (In reference to my wide gap at the front of my teeth)
  • Where is your hair? (In reference to my tiny weeny afro)
  • Are you and x sisters? (In reference to my co-worker and I who are like polar opposites of each other in physical appearance)
Overall, children crack me up and help me see life more fully. Like the feeling you get when you hear a child laughing, squealing in delight, or flashing the biggest smile.

Exposing Children to the Unexplored

I went to the  museum today with a bunch of elementary aged children. They saw a lot but there was one area I really wanted the older children to experience....the Bio lab. I was so excited when 3 of the older kids got to dress up in white with goggles and gloves. I then took many pictures of them as they did the DNA cheek swab experiment. One of my highlights was when one of the quietest and tiniest girls was screaming Woah at the sight of many different types of precious stones at the exhibits. # Children are the future #Plant seeds of knowledge in the young 

Respect for Teach for America

I used to think people who did Teach for America had fairy tale stories. However, working as a teacher this summer and dealing with kids facing a diversity of issues has increased the respect I have for teachers and those who do programs like Teach for America which specifically works in schools experiencing some difficulties. Teachers spend a lot of time with the kids and now I can even see how my teachers impacted me. I must say they were some of the most positive and fun loving people. Some were ratcheted lol but I mainly remember their calmness and pep talks. 
# Shout out to anyone who has taught me at home, school, church, or anywhere!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Children and You

The child who seems invisible or distant in your sphere might be the one you are impacting the most even when he or she has no idea how to let you know that. So keep giving those high fives, hugs, pats, smiles, and more. They need it more than you might ever know.

What is Goodness?

Some people say you can't truly be nice until you have the opportunity to be the opposite. I never understood it until recently. You can't credit you or others with is basically earned after observing one's reactions under the most unlikely circumstances.

Business means Business

Don't feel at ease about something just because someone said you should. They could be running their mouth about you to everyone and their momma. So take care of your business like you mean business.

What about Trust?

Never trust anyone just because they tell you good words and do sweet things. Observe and figure out if it's seasonal or for a lifetime.